Car Wash
Here the Video to the car wash story with the rubber dolls. Monica & Jacline was ready for a kinky outdoor activity. They cleaned and polished the hot curves of the car and herself, too. They liked the water jet on her black latex skin, the nice feeling of the wet sponge between her breasts and legs. They loved her high heels and the shiny rims in between. Many thanks to our guest model Vanessa

Paul get an invitation to a film casting, but first he has to transform himself into a rubber girl. He will find all, what he needs in a suitcase at the hotel. Let´s see, maybe he/she will get the job? Story to be continue....
Stars: Monica
Lost in the Catacomb
I was bondaged in that deep catacomb, only dressed with my pink latexcatsuit, feeling naked and lost, while two rubber cats find me, touch me, let me alone somewhere and had fun together... Photos & Video:
Stars: Lady G, Rubbersisters
Fetish Worlds 09 Lifestyle
The Rubbersisters must be among the most bizarre to be found on the worldwide fetish scene. With incredible ("German") perfection, innovation and consequence, this power couple has driven the idea of the male-to-female transformation to the maximum.
Stars: RS, Valentina, Aline, Petra, Sarah
2nd-skin Show
The Rubbersisters present their new products at the Fetish Evolution in Essen. Jacline and La Poupette displayed the new products to the customers. Finally our friend Rubberstar from Italy demonstrated the Silicone Suit and Gloria Mask
Stars: La Poupette Rubberstar, Rubbersisters